
During the 1990s I worked as a developmental editor for the Mountaineers Books in Seattle, Washington, on a series of books that included Nat Brown’s The Complete Guide to Cross-Country Ski Racing (1999 ) and Erika Warmbrunn’s Where the Pavement Ends: One Woman’s Bicycle Trip Through Mongolia, China & Vietnam (2006).

Since 2001 I have served as associate editor for the journal Pedagogy: Critical Approaches to Teaching Literature, Language, Composition, and Culture. This profession-wide journal—the winner of the 2001 Best New Journal Award from the Council of Editors of Learned Journals—was founded to reverse the longstanding marginalization of teaching and the scholarship produced around it and instead to assert the centrality of teaching to the work of scholars and professionals across the field of English studies. As associate editor, I am responsible for the book review section in each of the three issues published annually. I recruit reviewers, solicit reviews, edit the individual and roundtable reviews (the section of each issue runs between 35-45 pages), and serve as the journal’s liaison with book publishers.

In addition, I have served on editorial boards for academic journals and have been a consulting reader for many presses and journals, including University of Virginia Press; University of Massachusetts Press; The University of Georgia Press; the Modern Language Association; Indian Journal of Ecocriticism; ISLE: Interdisciplinary Studies in Literature and Environment; PMLA: Publications of the Modern Language Association; and Pedagogy: Critical Approaches to Teaching Literature, Language, Composition, and Culture

I also review book manuscripts for academic presses (monographs, anthologies, books on pedagogy and teaching, memoirs) as well as for academic journals. I take this work seriously and have received positive feedback for my contributions. In addition, my editorial contributions have received acknowledgement in the prefatory pages of many books.