Happy Birthday Wendell

Happy birthday to Wendell. And best early-February wishes to everyone. We hope that you will carry Wendell’s smiles with you, on his birth date, February 4, 1931, as well as across the year wherever you may be!



Del Mar Paddle Out

In late August friends and family gathered at 19th street in Del Mar-a favorite beach of Wendell and Mary Ellen. Flower leis were put together by the amazing Jenny Carmel and Bruce De Soto shared some of his music, and led us in singing, on the sand.

Mitchell and Mark and Bruce-friends and surfing buddies for over forty years (even if they have not surfed together since the late 1980s!) paddled out with Jenny, Rebecca, Nathaniel and Ellinore, Bill Gerber, and Al Tarkington (who swam out beyond the waves to join the circle).

Mary Ellen welcoming family and friends, giving thanks, sharing memories. With Mitchell, Rebecca, Mark, and Ellinore

Gathering at 19th Street, Del Mar, California

Paddling out: sharing Wendell (at least a part of him!) with the waters of the Pacific

Mary Ellen with kids looking out at the circle

Mitchell and Bruce making music on the sand of Del Mar

Rae Dawn and Bodie (the dog) and Nathaniel and Mark and Ellinore listening to the music

Brian Bub, Cap Pinney, Jerry Pinney,  Robin and Frank Pinney, and Donna Pinney Guske

Mary Ellen with Durango and Del Mar denizen Carol Ozaki

Mark and Mitchell

A Memory from Lollie McIntire

As you may know, my dad , Charlie McIntire, taught with Wendell at San Dieguito High School in Encinitas. 

Because it was San Dieguito, I was allowed to not only have my dad as a teacher, but also to work as his aide one semester, helping him with grades, organizing his office, etc. Coincidentally, that particular semester, Dad and his good buddy Wendell had the same prep period, which meant that I, as his teacher’s aide, got to hang out with my dad and your dad in the teacher’s lounge, drinking coffee no less, for at least the first twenty minutes of the hour.

Those are some of my favorite memories of high school! I’m sure it’s no surprise to you that every female on the face of the planet found Wendell attractive, including me at age 17, but that semester I actually got know him much better.

He and my dad would blow off steam talking about the students, the administration, politics, their wives ,and the general state of the world, and one comment was funnier than the next, to the point I would have trouble not peeing my pants, I would be laughing so hard! 

And then dad and I would go off to grade papers or do whatever, both in a better mood, and still laughing about whatever Wendell had said that day.

Wendell’s whole take on life was always so funny and relaxed that he was very good for my dad Charlie, who tended to stress too much about teaching, and who took every parent’s criticism to heart. I can just hear Wendell now, saying “Oh Charlie, just tell them to go to hell!” 

We were so sad when Wendell quit teaching, but so happy that your parents stayed close to their old friends here, and that we got to see them periodically. Thanks for the opportunity to re-live the good memories. We all loved Wendell.

Music for Dad

Below is a playlist of music from Mitchell. Enjoy!
